Technical Meeting was held on 28.01.2021 via Zoom platform due to the pandemic situation caused by Covid-19. Technical meeting has been agreed during the previous Progress meeting held in the mid-december.
The meeting was attended by 32 participants, including Clients from two countries (B&H and Serbia), representatives of Project Beneficiaries (from Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina) as well as JV expert team members. Beneficiries from Hydrometorological Service from Montenegro and Srbijavode were not attande.
The main issuses disscused during the Meeting were: ehchange meteorological and hydrological data between Beneficiries, numerical weather forecast and new precipitation station network set up in the Drina River basin.
It was agreed that measured hourly sum of precipitation and air temperatures for future period will be available from FTP Servers of competent authorities (hydrometeorological services) while hydrological data will have different data sources. For numerical weather forecast the use of ECMWF has been harmonized. The forecast will be issued by RHMS Serbia for the entire basin.